
Corgi's Day Off

April 2024

#UI #QA #UIArtwork

The team behind the summer Game Development workshop at Chapman had the idea of making a platformer game as an introduction into game developement and level design for high school/middle school students. Miles Duncan had already made this game in his free time and I was able to polish it up and add all of the UI as well as create the art work for the UI. I used photoshop for the first time to create all of the UI art.

Check Out The Game!

Currently, the game is unable to support a build due to the fact that we implemented a saving system for the levels that the kids create so that they don't lose their progress. We are currently working on optimizing it so that we can publish a executable file of the game.

Click here to download it!

My UI Artwork

I used a mixture of Photoshop and Canva to create the UI art. With my new knowledge of UI fundamentals, I would change a lot of the art. With more time I would make the how to play instructions a lot more visual than text. I also think this caused a lot of the students to not be interested in looking at this page instead of just asking. I would also try to create a more stable art direction. This game was really last minute and I didn't feel very comfortable at the time trying to take over the art direction (even though there wasn't fully one). Anyways, I just made the theme Chapman since this game was for Chapman Summer Workshops, and Sandie (the corgi) is the main character. Originally this was going to be the menu screen First mock up

This was my first time really doing UI so it is funny to see how far I have come in such little time with some of the more recent project I am working on. To continue, we ended up going with this title card since my supervisor wanted me to use a unity modern UI assest package he bought a long time ago. Final Menu Screen

I kept this super super simple to not overwhelm any of the students who have never played a game or work with Unity. I had more fun with the lose and win screens and the students thought they were fun which made me super happy. Win Screen Lose Screen